Utilising Technology to Enhance Parent-Teacher Partnership

Source:Using Technology to Build Partnerships with Parents | Getting Smart


As a parent, being involved in your child’s education can make all the difference in their success in school. However, the challenge is finding the time to attend parent-teacher conferences and stay up-to-date with your child’s academic progress. Luckily, technology has opened up new avenues for parent-teacher partnerships that can enhance your child’s educational experience. In this blog post, we will explore some of the tools and resources available to you as a parent to stay informed about your child’s academic progress and foster a positive relationship with their teachers.

Online Gradebooks and Learning Management Systems

Most schools nowadays have an online gradebook or learning management system that allows parents to log in and check their child’s grades, assignments and attendance. These systems are a great way to stay informed and involved in your child’s academic progress without having to schedule a parent-teacher conference. You can set up notifications to receive alerts when your child’s grades drop or when they miss an assignment. Additionally, most systems allow you to communicate with your child’s teachers and stay on top of any important announcements or upcoming events.

Video Conferencing and Virtual Meetings

In today’s busy world, it’s not always possible for parents to make it to the school for a face-to-face meeting with their child’s teacher. However, video conferencing tools like Zoom, Skype and Google Meet make it easy to connect with teachers from anywhere. Whether it’s a quick check-in or a longer discussion about your child’s progress, video conferencing tools allow you to have that important conversation without sacrificing too much time from your busy schedule.

Classroom Communication Apps

Classroom communication apps like Class Dojo and Remind provide a convenient and effective way for teachers to communicate with parents. These apps allow teachers to send announcements, homework assignments and progress reports directly to parents’ smartphones. This streamlined approach to communication helps keep parents informed and reduces the likelihood of miscommunication.

EdTech Tools for Homework and Studying

There are numerous educational technology (EdTech) tools that can be used to enhance your child’s learning experience at home. Apps like Duolingo, Khan Academy and Quizlet offer interactive learning experiences that make studying fun and engaging. Additionally, many of these tools offer progress tracking and analytics, which can help parents monitor their child’s learning progress and identify areas where they may need additional support.

Social Media for Parent-Teacher Engagement

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can facilitate parent-teacher engagement and strengthen school communities. Many schools now have social media accounts that share updates and events happening at the school and highlight student achievements. Engaging with your child’s school on social media can help you feel more connected to the school community.


Technology has revolutionised how parents and teachers can work together to support students’ academic success. From online gradebooks and learning management systems to video conferencing and social media, there are numerous tools and resources available that can help parents stay informed and involved in their child’s academic progress. By utilising these tools, parents can foster a positive relationship with their child’s teachers and create an environment that supports their child’s academic growth. So, why not take advantage of these amazing technological tools available? They are a perfect way to bridge the gap between parents, educators and students.

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