Super Skills First Maths NUMBERS AND MEASUREMENT Age 8+ Years


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Super Skills First Maths NUMBERS AND MEASUREMENT Age 8+ Years is specially designed for children to learn and practise the essential skills, such as the four operations and working with fractions and measures. It will help children carry out calculations mentally and solve increasingly difficult problems efficiently and accurately.

Basic numeracy and measurement skills are essential for a strong mathematical foundation. They include arithmetic operations and understanding numbers and their relationships, as well as quantifying attributes like length and volume. These skills apply to everyday tasks, such as budgeting and cooking, and help children develop logical reasoning and critical thinking.

Grade Level / Age Group: Primary levels 1 to 2 (7+ – 8+ years)

Learning Outcomes:
Students should be able to…
• Attain a competent level of mathematical proficiency in key areas such as multiplication, division, and numbers.
• Understand how numbers interact through operations like multiplication and division, recognising patterns, relationships, and connections.
• Achieve numerical fluency to perform quick mental calculations across different mathematical concepts.
• Apply mathematical concepts to real-world situations, using strategies such as multiplication, division, and measurement for effective problem-solving.
• Develop critical 21st-century competencies, including logical reasoning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Unique Selling Advantages (USAs) of Super Skills First Maths NUMBERS AND MEASUREMENT Age 8+ Years:
Students should be able to…
• Provide a comprehensive and engaging approach to key math concepts like multiplication, division, and number operations, broken down into Learning Units with focused practice questions to ensure mastery of each topic.
• Develop quick computational thinking and critical problem-solving skills through Speed Tests and regular short Tests, fostering adaptability and creativity while reinforcing understanding.
• Build connections between math and real-life situations, with Parent’s Notes offering ideas for motivating children and extending learning through everyday activities.
• Boost children’s confidence through consistent practice, supported by Key Facts summaries for easy memorisation, ensuring they master essential skills and grow in self-belief.

Size: 210mm X 297mm
Pages: 136
Author: Paul Broadbent
13 ISBN: 9789813471467

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