Mini Skills Sharpener 笔画笔顺 (4+ Years)


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Mini Skills Sharpener 笔画笔顺 (4+ Years) 精心设计,通过有趣的练习、真实的实例,以及结合动手书写和数字探索的混合学习方式,培养学前儿童的自信心和学习热情。
This book is carefully crafted to nurture confidence and a love for learning in preschoolers through engaging practice, real-world examples, and a blended approach that combines hands-on writing with digital exploration.

Grade Level / Age Group:
 Nursery to K2 (4 to 6 years)

• 识别和书写大写和小写字母,认读以这些字母开头的单词,并通过描摹和涂色活动提升握笔控制能力。
• 识别数字和数字单词,进行计数、比较(图示和抽象),并完成数字模式。
• 识别形状、颜色和图案,并正确地进行归类和配对。
• 理解和使用基本的时间概念,包括一周的天数和一年的月份。
• 在图片的帮助下识别和阅读单词。
• 学习基本的汉字笔画,并练习按照正确的笔顺书写(认识字的基本笔画和学写字的正确笔顺)。

Learning Outcomes for 4+ Series:
Students should be able to…
• Identify and write capital and small letters of the alphabet, recognise words that begin with these letters, and improve pencil control through tracing and colouring activities.
• Recognise numbers and number words, count, compare (pictorial and abstract), and complete number patterns.
• Identify shapes, colours, and patterns, and associate or group them appropriately.
• Understand and use basic concepts of time, including days of the week and months of the year.
• Recognise and read words with the help of pictures.
• Learn basic Chinese character strokes and practice writing with correct stroke order (认识字的基本笔画和学写字的正确笔顺).

• 为学前儿童提供适当水平的严格练习,培养自信心并从小激发对学习的热爱。
• 通过真实的实例提升沟通和观察能力,帮助孩子以好奇心探索世界,并建立有意义的联系。
• 提供结合动手书写与数字互动的混合学习方式,带来有趣且互动的学习体验。

Unique Selling Advantages (USAs) of Mini Skills Sharpener 笔画笔顺 (4+ Years):
This series is designed to…
• Introduce an appropriate level and amount of rigorous practice to pre-schoolers, nurturing their confidence and instilling a love for learning from an early age.
• Help enrich communicative and observation skills through real-world examples, enabling children to explore the world around them with wonder and form meaningful connections with others.
• Provide a blended learning approach that encourages interactive learning, seamlessly combining the tactile joy of writing with the engaging exploration of electronic devices.

Size: 148mm x 210mm
Pages: 40
Author: The Editorial Team
13 ISBN: 9789813325180

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Weight 0.06 kg


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