Chores are part of growing up that must be done regardless. Most people see it as a ‘chore’ and a necessary evil, often dreading doing them. This mindset is not new, even for children. Hence, requiring children to partake in doing the household chores can cause a big headache for parents.
However, there are ways to encourage and even inspire your children to take up doing chores by themselves! Read on to find out some tips and tricks to make this happen.
Start from young
It can be as simple as cleaning up after themselves when playtime is over or placing their bowls into the sink after dinnertime. These small actions can instil a sense of responsibility in them and train them to engage in chores at an age where they do not find them to be boring.
Teach them about the importance of chores
The act of doing household chores itself can seem repetitive and a bore, but doing it actually instils a sense of responsibility in your children. Remind them that their actions make a contribution to the household and show them that you are appreciative of their actions.
Change your own mindset about chores
Children take after their parents as role models, hence your actions and words are crucial when it comes to influencing your children’s mindset on a matter. Taking on chores with a positive attitude can influence your children to do the same.
Let them choose
Giving your children a choice on which household chore they wish to take up rather than forcing them to do one reduces the opportunity to say “No, I don’t want to do it” and instead say “I choose to do this”. It also allows them to pick up a chore that they prefer and will derive more joy out of doing.
Make doing chores a routine
Be it creating a routine board or chores schedule, having a plan when it comes to doing chores prevents your children form pushing the responsibility around or avoiding it. If they still do so, remind them that household chores are a shared responsibility in the family and that everyone should pull their equal weight.
Reward when they take initiative
Encourage them to actively help out at home and drop small rewards when they do. Fun ways to do it include setting up a ‘For Hire’ and stating the chore that needs to be done plus the reward they will get when they are done with the chore. This will encourage them to be more proactive when helping out with household chores.